The Content Interpreter

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Renewing Myself for You, My Audience

I’ve been thinking a lot about journaling lately and what it teaches. On the night before my wedding, my best man told me to wake up the next day, and write down exactly how I was feeling. It’s not something that I would have ever done on my own, but I am continually grateful for the advice.

To this day, I am able to access exactly how I was thinking and feeling on the most important day of my life, which is helpful to me generally and especially on my anniversary!

The broader point is this: we all have to keep track of our storytelling. I believe in this so strongly that I recently recorded a video about it on my YouTube channel. And then, I looked back at a blog post I did prior to quarantine: Renewing Yourself for Your Audience. In that piece, I talk about evolution, reflecting on your content and engaging audiences in ways that feel authentic to you.

We all have to do this to be effective leaders and storytellers - myself included.

Over the last few weeks, if you’ve followed me on social media, you might have noticed a shift to more video content. This is not by accident or because it is fun (for the record, it is!); it’s because I’ve noticed that people would rather engage with me and hear the content that I’ve created here on this blog in video form.

In short, I’m listening.

So, I hope you’ll join me on my YouTube channel for insights, guidance and perspective on all the same topics, and that you’ll come back to this blog for longer form pieces. Thank you for allowing me to become a more effective storyteller for you.